Monday, April 23, 2012

Superfoods for Superhair

Aloha everyone!

After my post "Locks of Youth- Secret to Luscious Hair" I have had numerous inquiries on what hair products I use on a daily basis.

Nothing fancy, really.  Just Head & Shoulders (2-in-1 Shampoo and Conditioner), and Herbal Essence (Volumizing Conditioner).

Here's a secret for ya: Using the right shampoo and conditioner alone does not give us the luxurious locks we crave.  Our diet plays an important factor, as a memorable saying goes, "You are what you eat,"... the health of your hair depends a lot on the food you consume.  Just like the rest of your body, your hair needs balanced doses of protein, vitamins, minerals, and oils to grow.

Here are ten Superfoods for Superfabhair. 

Eggs are one of the best protein sources you can find. They contain lots of biotin (which helps strengthen hair and nails) and vitamins B5, B12, and D.   In addition eggs also contains sulfur, a tress-boosting mineral.  

Salmon is filled with protein, iron and omega-3 fatty acids, a high-quality protein source that is loaded with Vitamin B-6 and B-12, which produces red blood cells to carry oxygen to follicles.  A deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids can result to a dry scalp and dull hair. 

Avocados contain lots essential fats and are a great source of biotin, which is key to growing healthy hair. Biotin helps hair grow thicker, stronger, and longer.  You can even apply avocado directly on to your hair as a hair mask, adding body and shine to your hair.   

Carrots are an excellent source of Vitamin A, which aid in having healthy scalp and shiny hair, and not to mention good vision ;) If shiny, well-conditioned hair is what you want, you need to have a healthy scalp, so keep munching on those carrots.  

Olive oil contains essential Vitamin E.  In addition, the polyphenols in olive oil help control inflammation which can damage hair follicles as we get older.  Like avocado, you can also apply olive oil directly on your hair, especially in winter or on humid days.  Combing on a tablespoon of olive oil can tame frizzy hair and help moisturize your mane. 

Flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.  They also contain lignans- plant-derived chemicals that act as antioxidants.  Flaxseed help prevent hair loss and boost hair strength. 

Dark green vegetables like spinach and broccoli provides iron and calcium, as well as Vitamins A and C.  Your body uses these minerals and vitamins to produce sebum, an oily secretion from your hair follicles, which naturally conditions your hair and promotes hair growth.

Walnuts provide zinc and fatty acids. Walnuts have alpha-linolenic acid, an omega 3 fatty acid that help condition and moisturize your hair.

Beans are another example super food for healthy hair. Beans provide good amounts of protein for hair growth, as well as iron, zinc and biotin. A deficiency in biotin can result in dry, brittle hair.

Yogurt contain calcium, a mineral that is vital in the role of hair growth.  It contains whey and casein, both excellent high quality protein sources necessary for a healthy scalp and hair.  For better results, opt for unsweetened Greek yogurt instead of the sweet,colorful yogurts.

Next time you visit the store, try adding these items on your shopping cart.  Your chances of having healthy, shiny, luscious locks may be as close as your nearest supermarket ;)


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sometimes cheating is okay...really.


Summer is coming up, and the island girl in me needs her beachin’ body back.

So…I have decided to once again put on my workout shoes, and go back into a strict no-rice, salad, fish and vegetables only, no ice cream, French fries, cupcakes, cookies, or chocolate…. and absolutely no stardust, sparkles and pretty rainbows diet.

After browsing through April’s issue of Muscle and Performance Magazine, I was relieved. Interestingly enough, there was an article that promotes cheating…on your diet. Written by Matthew Kadey, “The Cheat Sheet” explains why it’s perfectly fine to occasionally give in to your anti-diet cravings.

If cravings are driving you crazy, don’t wallow in misery: FIGHT BACK AND CHEAT. Planned cheating can conquer cravings and even help your physique continue to progress into awesomeness.

Here's the few good reasons why:

Many diets involve some degree of calorie restriction, and after a period, your brain thinks you’re in starvation mode therefore telling your body to slow down your metabolism. A break from dieting can interrupt this slowdown with your sudden intake of extra calories, keeping your metabolism revved for additional fat burning.

Leptin, a metabolism-revving and fat burning hormone, has the tendency to fall when calorie intake drops. Think: if your body is low on calories, it releases less leptin to keep the little energy it has. Consuming more calories increases leptin levels further boosting your metabolism.

Cutting down your calories can leave you feeling weary, especially during workout sessions. Occasional cheating can help restore energy, giving you more ability to train hard.

Consuming foods that are not part of your diet can help you intake nutrients that you may be missing out on. For example, vitamins and anti-oxidants that aide with muscular recovery and growth not present in high-protein food can be found on carbohydrate-rich food that is not normally part of your diet regimen.

Cheating in your diet program allows you a much-needed mental break from a repetitive, monotonous meal plan. You’ll look forward to your cheat day, and you’ll be able to keep your sanity during your strict diet, rather than completely falling apart and giving up. I have done this, countless of times. Yes, darling there is room for donuts or cupcakes, and flat, sexy abs ;).

You can eat dinner with your friends and not have to count calories in your head. And you don’t have to spend Saturday night home alone either.

YAY. Let’s make a toast to a brand new, healthier, cheating you. “Good luck to a leaner, fitter, sexier you."

**Holds up my Krispy Kreme Donut**


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Locks of Youth- Secrets to Luscious Hair

“The hair is the richest ornament of women.”
-Martin Luther

In the beauty scheme of things, it’s difficult to underestimate the importance of hair.  Healthy hair indicates well-being and youth.  For women, hair is an important sign of beauty and age.

People who have it, treasure it.  People who don’t, grieve the loss of it.  Hair is sexy.  We want it to look fabulous, at all times.  If it doesn’t we don’t feel good.  At least, I don’t….

I was blessed with thick, jet-black hair- a physical attribute my beautiful late mother passed down to me and my sisters, and my brother.  She constantly reminded me never to dye my hair, because all of the chemicals will destroy the growth, strength and natural shine and texture of it.  I believed her, but I what I didn't learn until later in my life (now) is that there are several factors that affect hair growth.

Among the factors that affect hair’s growth are hormonal changes caused by aging, emotional stress, change of diet, iron deficiencies, and hereditary tendency toward hair loss.  Add to these hot irons, color treatments, and overstyling, and hair is overwhelmed from all sides.   At this time in my life, I am highly concerned about the effects of growing old, not having enough vitamins, and dwelling a very anti-stress-free lifestyle has on my hair.  I am lucky enough not to worry about hereditary hair loss.

I have had a lot of great compliments about my hair.  It’s the single characteristic that I am delighted to be vain about, therefore when the day finally comes when my hair starts falling, thinning, and going gray, I will be in misery.

Still blooming in my mid-twenties, I make it a point to maintain my locks of youth.

The secret to long, lush, youthful hair?   Allow me.

Hair is made up of proteins and nutrients, and can be malnourished just like our bodies if improperly fed.  My normal diet includes fish, eggs, yogurt, apples, grapes, spinach, strawberries, broccoli, and cabbage.  If you are a meat eater, include lean meat and poultry.

Sufficient rest is important for our bodies, our health, and our hair.  Lack of sleep can affect our bodies’ chemical balance disturbing our hair growth.  I make sure I sleep a total of 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.  When my workload gets in the way of my slumber, I make sure my body catches up on lost sleep and rest when I can.

Stress, worry and depression have an adverse effect on hair growth and can lead to premature hair loss.  Reducing stress can help fight against hair loss, allowing your growing hair to flourish.  When I am stressed out, I meditate or do yoga.  I also pick up a book, write, make jewelry or sew.

Daily exercise improves circulation throughout your body, including your scalp, which can result in faster hair growth.  Thick hair springs from a healthy, clean scalp.  Proper exercise plays an important role in supplying oxygen needed to promote hair growth rate and length.

Ah, yes, the puzzling question on how often to wash hair.  Wash, wash, and wash your hair- preferably once a day.  While shampooing, massaging, conditioning, oiling, gently combing and brushing your hair can help to promote your maximum hair growth rate and length as well.  My no-longer-little-secret::: I leave my conditioner on at least 5 minutes.

WARNING!  Following Miss Honey’s advice will result to undeniably smoother, shinier, voluminous hair.

Don’t say I didn’t warn ya! ;)


Monday, April 2, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award!

Mahalo to the beautiful and inspiring Hiba, (Cloud of Lace) who took a minute to designate me my very first Wordpress nomination, or any nomination in this blogesphere EVER, The Versatile Blogger Award.

Cloudoflace is about everything and anything marvelous- from art, to fashion, to recipes...."little treasures" as she calls them.  Reading her blog is just refreshing.  So of course, I was delighted to find out she feels the same about mines.  Again, as we say here in Hawaii, Mahalo Nui Loa, Hiba!

Here are 15 wonderful bloggers/blogs that I have truly enjoyed reading, and would like to share them with you by  nominating them for the Most Versatile Blogger Award.

Cloud of Lace

The Occasional Affair

Rasta Teacher

Rebecca The Red

Dodging Commas

Leather and Lace

Live, Learn and Pass it on!

MLM Worldwide

Hazel Frames

Revolutionary Beauty

We Heart Vintage

Humaira Beauty

The Merry Life

Hepburn Loves Givenchy

Style City

And finally, here are 7 Things About Me that I would like to share...

1.  I love love love love Starbucks, especially mocha frap and hot mocha with 3x shot on busy days.  I'm a proud Starbuholic, and a chocoholic.

2. I'm very flexible. I owe it all to yoga pilates that I'm so busy to do nowadays.

3. My hair is jet black, thanks to my beautiful Filipina mother who had always told me to never color my hair.

4.  I prefer Asian cuisine to just about any other type of food- Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai...

5.  I have five siblings who I love so much - Natalie, Ersa, Neil, Sally, & Dessa.

6.  I heart Korean dramas, especially romantic comedy, and the lessons behind them.  I truly believe in undying love and devotion, that through any trials and tribulations, love conquers all.

7.  In April 2010, I launched Fashion With a Mission, a non-profit organization focusing on providing clothes to orphaned children throughout the globe. The organization is still on its beginning stages, however, I hope to fully establish Fashion with a Mission and encourage fashionistas that “we can make a difference, one trend, one style at a time”.


Saturday, March 24, 2012


Congratulations to the very first
Ms. Armed Forces Hawaii 2012,
the beautiful and talented, Jennifer Glass, Ms. Army.


~photo courtesy of Damien Bujecker

My worsening cold and monthly lady hormones have prevented me from attending the event, but I am posting this with the world as I receive the results.

First Runner Up- Amber Campbell
2nd Runner Up- Amber Wandtke
3rd Runner Up- Quiennetta Williams

Congratulations to the rest of the inspiring ladies, you are all winners.


Friday, March 23, 2012

The World's Cutest Puppies

Happy National Puppy Day!!!

Since I have been wrapped up with planning fashion shows and pageants this week, I have not had the time to sit down and write blahblahs.  However, today, I had a few minutes to browse through ohsocuteijustwannatakethemhomeandspoilthem photos of puppies online and am delightfully sharing them with you.

Photos courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.Net with their respected owners.


Havanese Puppy Photo by: Dynamyte Imagery

Bulldog Puppy Photo by Photostock

Charles Spaniel Puppy Photo by Timeless Photography

Shihtzu Puppy  Photo by Posterize

Yorkshire Terrier Puppy Photo by SOMMAI

Chihuahua Puppy Photo by olovedog

Aren't they all sooooooooooo adooooorable?


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Cup of Goodness- Volunteering in Guatemala

There are some people in this world that you just have to be surrounded with. The kinds of people that are positive, energetic, and have a remarkable aura that make you feel good, be good and do good.

One of my darling best friends, and of course one of my favorite girls in this world, Kelsie Pascual are just one of those special people.  She is absolutely amazing.

I spent Sunday afternoon listening to her great adventure as a volunteer abroad in Guatemala.  She arrived at my house with some souvenirs- beautiful handcrafted butterfly decors (“They love butterflies in Guatemala!”,and….

surprise, surprise, traditionally handmade chocolate from Guatemala (“Hon, I actually learned how to make real chocolate!”)

I also learned within a few minutes that if mixed with hot water, these crunchy chocolates can turn into the most delicious hot cocoa ever made.

Hearing about Kelsie’s stories during her travel is like drinking from a never-ending cup of goodness.

Read below:::

How inspiring. Go Kelsie!
